River City East - League Fees and Registration

League Fees

Leagues are available for teams in several divisions, and are played weekly Sunday - Friday.

  • Alternative Leagues are played on Tuesday’s

  • Co-ed (mixed gender) leagues are played on Sunday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s.

Spring and Summer seasons offer 8 weeks of play with the choice between one game per night and double headers each week. The Fall season offers an additional 4 weeks of double headers.

Weekly LeagueDivision of play8 games - Spring or Summer16 games - Two Seasons (Spring and Summer)8 Double-headers (16 games) - Spring or Summer16 Double-headers (32 games) - Two Seasons (Spring and Summer)Fall Ball - 4 Double-Headers (8 games)
SundayMen's D-E || Recreational || Co-Ed$450$880$850$1,600$199
MondayMen's: D-E || Recreational$445$850$825$1,550$199
WednesdayMen's Open-C-D || Co-ed$445$850$825$1,550$199
ThursdayMen's C-D, D-E$445$850$825$1,550$199
FridayMen's D-E, E || Co-ed$450$880$850$1,600$199

Payment is due in full prior to the first game. After 4 weeks, if fees are still not paid, your team will be removed from the schedule.

$100 discount for any team that pays in full before April 1st.